The False Security
By Dr Sabrina Lei
At the end of the summer,
early declines the sun!
The land, burned, lays waiting for a long respite.
Animals and plants prepare themselves to the season of the long patience:
“Could we see a new spring?”
In a cold day, a yellow leaf, already dry, deprived of the humble shelter,
Where during its brief summer lived,
Under the influence of the wind,
Is pushed lonely, tired and abandoned, under the roots of an evergreen tree.
Tall, majestic, strong, ready to fight against every storm,
To the small leaf says: “The destiny of the weak is in the soil, at the roots of a dominating force! Only in the greatness there is strength and power!”.
Behold! In a stormy night, a lightening breaks its trunk as the destiny does with the hopes of the proud.
In the morning, what remains is thrown into the fire and only the dry roots remain,
Which in the spring are covered by the sprouts of that poor tender leaf!