Lion and the National Conference of the Rabbits
By K.G.Sankara Pillai
Who has the courage
to escort the lion into the well?
To tell him that his foe dwells in the well?
No one retorted.
On the assembly floor, only the ears
Stood up like panic stricken salutes.
Once a coward, always a coward,
they accused each other;
It was a mess.
The congress was dissolved.
We cannot take this cowardry any more.
Hay Fascist, a superior version of you
reside deep within the well;
read a face book post from the rebel rabbit.
No bigger ideological crisis than cowardry.
And cowadry flares up verbosity,
Read a chat message from the thinker rabbit.
It’s dumb, the cyber cell is active ! warns the
Technocrat rabbit.
No , we have to do atleast this much;
The asscent of the rabbit is inevitale,
Argues the rebel rabbit.
A beat stench from the corridor,
When the rabbit glances at the door,
It is the lion.
Translated by Aditya shankar