A Doctor…. So Human
by. Dr. Akram Jamil Konbos
From a distance a voice calls:
In this hospital here,
Expecting arrival
Of a patient in no state of patience
Dr, Jabber swiftly gone
Planting hope
On a father’s lips
Heavy with reproach for the doctor’s delay
To rescue his ailing son in haste
Saying: O Doctor
Have our lives become so cheap?
The doctor smiled back,
Dear uncle, he said
Behold, may Al Mighty God
Relieve the agony we live in all
And he disappeared for hours in a roam deep in duress
And the poor father
In distress walks up and down the place
Waiting for a signal of hope from his doctors nod
Saving the drown deep in the sea of grieve and mourn
When the doctors hailed his call and smiled
Saying: oh dear uncle
By the grace of God
Our ship of hope has in safety docked
And this pigeon shall tell you the story of health
But the father was desperate to ask the doctor more in fret
But in haste the doctor left, like a light wind
Leaving the poor father’s heart in anguished perplexed
His eyes closed
Behind far thoughts so revolved
And by what he saw
He said: what is this life we are in
Why in selfish arrogance does he not respond?
As if measuring in cash time so spent
Or as if
He is the one by whose hands destiny upheld
But the pigeon disclosed its secret
To wipe away his darkened thinking
Saying: O uncle
God have graced your son with health
And the doctor in haste has left
To bid his dying son’s farewell
Speechless, as if he was possessed
And said:
Oh Merciful God of happiness and distress
The devil has mingled with our intents
And we maliciously held that man in regret