in Genre - Friendship Genre - Happiness Genre-Determination PH 2023(Poems) Poems - English Poems by Dr Akash Ouchi Poems by Dr Daiseku Ikeda

Words of Encouragement

By Dr. Daisaku Ikeda
Read by Dr. Akash Ouchi

Admiring the cherry blossoms,

Admiring the chrysanthemums,

Bringing to bloom the flowers

of happiness within the heart,

even on a days of rain and cloud,

Confidently we will go forward!

Like the waterfall fierce

Like the waterfall unflagging

Like the waterfall unfearing

Like the waterfall merrily

Like the waterfall proudly

A man should have the bearing of a king

I have determined

To climb that mountain

Therefore, choosing firm footholds day by day

I go forward

Because I know that to look lightly on reality

may mean disaster,

I work hard at my faith

I will be a beacon light,

A small and yet a great light

That the people can trust and take ease in