in PH 2023 ( school Poems ) PH 2023 ( School Poets ) Poets of Gems Winchester Abu Dhabi


I was stuck by the moment of sonder,

Cogitating the existence of one another,

Why cant we accept that we coexist ?

All we ever do is insist and resist.

Like animal species without a soul,

We should claim harmony and diversity,

And learn to live as a whole.

But what makes us dirty

Is that through misogyny and ethnic cleansing,

We cannot find a solution reasonable.

Our differences aren’t used to discriminate,

But to appreciate that we all have somewhere we originate.

We should not spit around hate,

As this will only drive us irate.

Let us rekindle fairness and equality,

And let go of animosity and hostility,

To bring us closer to unity.

About the Poet 

I am Althea and I study at GEMS Winchester school Abu Dhabi. I am truly honored for having my poems elected for this event, I was thrilled beyond words when I got the good news I must say. This year’s theme of COEXISTENCE came naturally to me.