in PH 2021 (School Poems) PH 2021 (School Poets) Poets of Gems Modern Academy School Genre - Courage

The Invincible Spirit


He trotted on the sidewalk,

Tattered and torn rags hanging on his thin frame,

Leaning down like the Notre Dame,

With a body, oh so frail!

One might have thought misery would engulf him,

Enervate his spark of life,

Yet he walked with a heart of gold,

That exuberated exhilaration despite all his strife.

Puzzled you may ponder why,

How such a miracle exists?

Towers of gold that still keep men dismal,

Yet here his spirit kept him from falling down sorrowful pits?

He had learned to greet each person,

Each day with a smile,

One that stretched from ear to ear,

He gave to others what gold couldn’t,

A warmth of joy against all worries and fears.

Selfless and compassionate,

He walked on the earth with a spirit like none,

Connecting humanity with warm drops of delectation,

That melted the walls of ice we had seemingly spun.

His invincible spirit knew no gender or religion,

His mind knew no color or division,

For in his eyes we all stood as one entity,

Bounded together by the spirit of humanity.

As a team we must rise,

For if we fall, we fall together,

Let us follow his benevolent footsteps,

The ones that trotted there alone.

For they truly led to magnificent worlds,

Of euphoria, of unity and tranquility,

But most importantly of a connected humanity.


About The Poet

What are poems, but words put together in the most expressive and creative way possible. Paridhi Bhatia is a grade 10 students at Gems Modern Academy for whom Poetry is a medium of artistic expression. Like an artist uses their paint to portray their thoughts, poetry helps her pen down her feelings to paper express any experiences in her life. She hopes to use her poems to spread messages across, create awareness and a bond that connects people all over the world on a basis of a common emotion.

Poetry has the power to change and reform. This poem by her titled – Invincible spirit is written to inspire others and explore the beauty of humanity.