Nandita Arun Kumar
in PH 2019 (School Poets) Poets of Scholar Indian School RAK


Lo and Behold the great father

Of the sun, moon and the lord.

A father, as terrible as darkness,

And as usurping as blood

Scorned his children of the earth

To which of their animosity, they

Cut him up, into countless

Thousand pieces, and cast up

Into Oceanus, by the youngest

Of his off springs

Rose from his pieces, did a

Maiden of untold beauty,

The goddess of love and beauty.

Now, cursed did Ouranos to Kronos

His son of time,

“Shall you join me, my son one day.

For you shall find yourself in time,

In your mother’s great depths herself”

Look what he has got into, for

Chaos reigned

The poisoned throne usurped,

By his mighty son of time and betrayal

Burning and seething and bubbling,

With turmoil and acrimony,

He longs to come back out

Out of his darkest depths

And assemble back as the


Eons of terribleness after

He still yearns for his earth,

And should he come up shall

The world end

Death still never parted him.

To a life of great misery,for

Lo and Behold, the great sky


About The Poet

Nandita Arun Kumar , a student from Scholars Indian School (RAK).