Alfred Benny Joshua
in PH 2020 (School Poets) Poets of New Indian Model School Boys

The Haven For A Soul

It’s not the end,

But it’s not going to last forever.

Don’t destroy what I have left now!

Let us unite and celebrate the differences we have.

The warmth of hugs,

The love of family,

The kindred souls around.

Why lose it all now?

Wisdom beyond boundaries,

Creatures so civilized,

Beings blessed with discernment.

Why bound it all now?

Beautiful people far and wide,

The Cosmos enthroned with so much grace,

Constantly in a battle to end disparity.

Why turn it all into a dreadful abyss?

It may sound absurd,

Mankind, the most perilous force,

How gnarly the works of our hands are,

But there’s still time to heal, to become what we dreamt of.

The night is young,

Full of life we all can be,

How beautiful will be the universe

Lit up with hope, joy, and peace.

Hold hands not grudges,

Share hope, not sorrow.

Rejoice with what’s to come, forget the past.

Break the barriers, forget the mistakes.

They ask me ‘why?’ And I say,

It’s all for a better home,

A home for you and me,

A home, so alike Nirvana.

About The Poet

Alfred has been in The Poetic Heart previous editions. He loves writing poetry and loves to sing. He also writes music because music speaks when words don’t.

He believes that light comes from within and should never be held back but let out. He also believes that one must never be afraid to be themselves.