Erskine Blaine S. Bongcawil
in PH 2020 (School Poets) Poets of Far Eastern Private School

Longing For Daylight

When will the sun shine?

When can safety and freedom be mine?

Everyone has a purpose

In a world where darkness can be treacherous.

Our generation should take the chance

To help everyone glance at the brightness of light

Light as bright as a child’s face as it plays till night

That only we can ignite.

We must connect ourselves to everyone

We are stars that shine in the darkness

We are a light source that nobody else can dim

We are a force that won’t be stopped

The sun shines today

Our light will never be taken away

For we, and the future generations are the world’s only hope

Through connectivity and humanity

We cope with problems through hope

About The Poet

Erskine Blaine S. Bongcawil represents Far Eastern Private School Al Shaba. He Spends most of his time reading books. He is also fond of listening to different kinds of music and watching films in his spare time.

He often participates in inter-school competitions that allows him to develop his skills and confidence. One of his hobbies is writing poem. It is not just his stress reliever but it is also his way to express his thoughts and feelings.