Melody Noella Sequeira
in PH 2020 (School Poets) Poets of Cambridge International School Poets of The Cambridge International School Dubai

Key To Modern Chaos

Standing in the middle of the world passing by,

Noticing simply, the mere factors of life.

On one side there is positivity, happiness and light,

But on the other, there is just crisis and plight.

Torn apart by this ongoing conflict, universal,

One may imagine, what is the clear solution?

Equilibrium, that is it, of the mind, body and soul,

What is needed now is effective implementation.

The key to this is calling out one another,

Together putting up with praises and failure.

Held by a strong bond, clearly substantial,

Done so by, clear coercion dismantled.

Thus, a change is composed for life ever-lasting,

Creating a bridge, linking the two sides enchanting.

About The Poet

Melody, being a performer all her life,  shares a deep interest in expressing her opinion through creative way. Melody is a psychology student, who aspires for  self-positivity and spreading happiness for the betterment of the world.

She consider poetry as a creative door for sharing her thoughts on creating hope in today’s society.