Sreyaa Ravikumar
in PH 2020 (School Poets) Poets of India International School

I dream

I dream  of a world
in which a small child no longer craves for food ,
a young women no longer dreads to walk out

A world in which no other man will scorn
where earth enjoys love and affection
rather than greed an infection.

I dream of a world to set our feet on the path of independence
so that we can maintain our surface tension

A world where our right to live freely
is not lifted by the government who tried high

I dream of a world
where all will know freedom’s way
where sorrow no longer fills our hearts

A world where black or white
every man is free
whatever race you be

I dream of a world
where everyone can earn
and be free to learn

A world where our actions don’t deceive our presence
where the climate changes
slowly drowning the human races

Of such I dream ,my world !
where misery will hang it’s head
and bliss like a pearl
attends the need of all mankind

A world where ,ordinary people whose suffering is real
speak of their fears, the struggles they face
when survival becomes ordeal
I want them to stop fighting
because we are done crying
lets stand up for all those who are hurting

I’ll be their mirror
and help them see a little bit clearer
for this is how I dreamt it to be, my world.

About The Poet

Sreyaa Ravikumar, from The Indian International School, is a 14 year old book lover and a very sociable person. She has great interest in writing stories and reading poems. She has also witnessed World Class debates and looks forward to debating herself and has been able to develop her proficiency in the English language.