in PH 2020 (School Poets) Poets of Al Mawakeb School

I Am Arab/عربيٌّ أنا

I’m Arab and full of pride

We’re all one in good and bad times

We live in peace

The soldier sacrifices himself for us to stay alive

How your idea, Zayed, flourishes life and peace

You united Arab countries

And you raised the fluttering flag

In which white means peace

And unification of seven Emirates

In union there is strength, and in division weakness

Your hand in mine; we increase prosperity

We die, and you, my country, live

We sacrifice ourselves, so that you’re always in peace

عربيٌّ أنا.. وكُلّي فَخرٌ وحياءْ

كلُّنا واحدٌ في العسرِ، وفي والسّراءْ

نعيشُ في سلمٍ وسلامْ

يضحّي الجنديُّ بنفسهِ؛ لنبقى أحياءْ

كم كانت فكرتُك يا زايدُ، تزدهرُ حياةً وسلامْ

وحّدْت َبلادًا عربيةْ

ورفعتَ العلمَ الخفّاقْ

فيه الأبيضُ يعني سلاما

وتوحيدَ سبعِ إماراتْ

ففي الاتّحادِ قوةٌ، وفي الفرقة ضعفٌ

ويدُك بيدي؛ نزيدُ الازدهارْ

نموت وتحيا يا وطني

ونضحّي؛ ليبقى فيك سلامْ

About The Poet

Ahmed Beltagy represents Al Mawakeeb School Al Garhoud at The Poetic Heart 2020. Ahmed likes playing sports and specially football.

He has found a passion for Arabic Language since he was in the 4th grade; it started with the 2014/2015 Chevron Reader’s Cup when he and his teammates won first place in the competition. That level of competition encouraged him to try new things, such as Poetry.