Nicole Pereira
in PH 2020 (School Poets) Poets of Gems Our Own English High School


I don’t think I’ll ever understand your insanity

How you’re all so willing to hurt one another,

Don’t you see?

By doing this you lose your humanity

Whether by word or hand in society

Or for treasure and oil internationally

Why do you tolerate the hurt and harm?

Doesn’t it move your conscience – even make you alarmed?

I don’t think I’ll ever understand your insanity

How you’re all so willing to hurt one another,

Don’t you see?

By doing this you lose your humanity

Whether by word or hand in society

Or for treasure and oil internationally

Why do you tolerate the hurt and harm?

Doesn’t it move your conscience – even make you alarmed?

Hungry children whose insides mimic the sound of metropolitan trains

Flushing themselves through unforgiving cities

Yet you walk right past them,

Looking down upon them.

Just why can’t you see,

Where is your humanity?

And the cruelty you carry out in your name

And all for what – money and fame?

Dear humanity,

Please stop this insanity.

About The Poet

Nicole Pereira represents the GEMS Our Own English High School. Apart from academics, she loves to play volleyball and is passionate about volunteer work in which she has volunteered for several events including the special Olympics, World Paralympic Games and Asian Football Cup. She believes that the human race by nature is flawed and has harnessed her talent through her poem to draw attention to the state of humanity and express deep, complex feelings about the ugly and flawed characteristics of human nature.