Vaheeda Maryam
in PH 2020 (School Poets) Poets of New Indian Model School Girls

Hope & Humanity

It doesn’t matter where you go,

Or who you meet along the way,

Carry kindness in your heart,

And practice it each day.

H is for Having it as relief after a bad day,

O is for order it keeps in you in life’s way,

P is for Price for it that the heart pay,

E is for Emotions that has all their say.

A simple smile can change the course

Of someone else’s week,

The smallest gesture represents,

The gift of joy we seek.

Hope is the place where you want to go,

Hope is the person who you want to know,

Hope is the feeling that carries it through,

And Hope is the future for me and you.

A gentle touch reminds us,

That humanity still reigns.

To pet a lonely cat or dog

Shows that love will never wane.

There are a million obstacles

On any given day,

But rise above the hate and fear

And live life the kindness way.

About The Poet

Vaheeda Maryam represents New Indian Model School. This would her first participation in The Poetic Heart 2020.