Goumana Hany Abdelfatah
in PH 2020 (School Poets) Poets of Al Mawakeb School

A Fading Call From Peace/احتضار السلام

The doves chanted their last tune above the tree branches

And the blaze of ignorance and greed burned

A flame that aided in the destruction of our lands

And silenced the bird’s songs when they chirped

The sky wept blood… asking what happened?

What happened to a nation that held the history of our kind?

And Peace called out to us: Where are you our nations?

Did you cry out :Peace we bid you farewell, we’ll come back

Or is it the final farewell, the assassination of peace, and the imposition of restrictions

For a state that was once a bride

Dancing cheerfully in a crimson dress

But today… Oh Oh for Peace, you are bound by your sealed door

And there stood a little girl surrounded by her demolished home

There she stood and the blaze of bravery shone in her eyes

Her voice erupted in the face of the enemy

Her voice rattled the battlefield

Did you not hear the cries of the people?

Or did sympathy demolish and knowledge became an asset in wars?

Did it form an alliance with injustice or has it left all hearts?

Or has the hissing of the bombs block the sense in your minds?

Do you not care for the future of our youth?

Or has greed stolen the conscience in our souls?

The enemy shivered… his voice laced with fear:

“Who are you little girl?”

She stated: “I am the affiliation of nations that believe in what is to come

And hope to be the key… to release the chains of a future

That is held behind bars…

غنّى الحمامُ آخرَ ألحانِهِ فوقَ أغصانِ أشجارِنا…

واندلعَتْ نيرانُ الْجهلِ والْجَشعِ فأحرقَتْ!

لهيبٌ سعى في دمارِ أرضِنا

ونسْفِ أغاني البلابلِ حينَ غرّدَتْ.

وبكتِ السَّماءُ دماءً .. تسألُ ما الخطبُ؟؟

ماذا حلَّ ببلادٍ حملَتْ في أسمالِها بقايا الزمنْ

وصارَ السَّلام ينادينا: “أينَ أنتمْ يا عُصبَة الأُمَمْ؟”

أَقُلتُمْ: إلى اللقاءِ يا سلامُ .. غدًا نعود؟

أمْ هوَ الوداعُ واغتيالُ السلامِ وكمُّ الأفواهِ وفرْضُ القيودْ

 أيا بلادًا كنتِ يوماً عروساً

تتيهُ بثوبٍ … بلونِ الورودْ

واليومَ .. أوّاهُ أوّاهُ لسلامٍ مكلومٍ على بابكِ الموصود

  وقفتْ طفلةٌ بين جدرانِ بيتِها المُهشَّمِ..!

وقفَتْ ولهيبُ الشَّجاعةِ في عينيها

ثارتْ في وجهِ عدوِّها بُركانًا

هزَّ أرجاءَ الدّمار

أَلا تسمعون أنينَ الشُّعوب؟

أَنْعدَمَتِ الرَّحمةُ وصارَ العِلْمُ خادمًا للْحُروب؟!

أَسَرى مع الظُّلمِ.. أم غابَ عن الْقلوب؟

أمْ أنَّ هديرَ القنابلِ حَجَبَ أسْماعَ الْعُقول؟

أَلا تأبَهون لِغَدِ الْأطفال ..

أم استولى الْكِبْرُ على ضمائِر النُّفوس؟!

ارتجفَ عدوُّها .. وخوفُهُ أطلقَ لسانَهُ:

“منْ تكونينَ أيّتها الفتاة؟”

قالتْ:” أنا تحالفُ أُممٍ تُؤمِنُ بالآتي

وتسعى أنْ تكونَ المفتاحَ …  لفكِّ أسرِ غدٍ..

باتَ خلفَ القُضبان!

تأليف الطالبة: جماني هاني عبد الفتّاح / الصف الثاني عشر  الثاني عشر – المواكب – البرشاء

About The Poet

Goumana Hany Abdelfatah is a strong believer in expressing thoughts and emotions through writing that’s why she has developed a great passion for writing poetry and short stories. She also enjoys another form of expression, which is painting and sketching.

She believes that for one nation to control another for their own selfish purpose, through war or intellectual domination, is a form of barbarism; the divine gifts which we have been given are there for the purposes of loving and supporting each other.