Priyanshu Tripathi
in PH 2020 (School Poets) Poets of Abu Dhabi Indian School

Hope And Humanity

Amidst intolerance and cruelty lies humanity,

Concealed within us controlling devils of insanity.

Some say it is the only hope of our future,

Some advertise our inevitable doom asserting its need.

All that is left is the faded hope,

The last straw connecting humanity.

To revive that hope is our ambition,

To create more hope is our ambition.

Hope is desire, Humanity is benevolence,

Hope FOR humanity is our ambition.

An ambition to spread love and sympathy,

An ambition to create harmony.

Kindness, tenderness, leniency and charity,

Gentleness, mercifulness, pity and humanity.

These are the dream,

The dream longed for generations.

Humanity is not the people,

It is a quality:

A quality of giving,

A quality of sharing,

A quality of sacrifice,

A quality of service.

My Humanity is still alive within me,

The question is, “Is yours?”

About The Poet

Priyanshu Tripathi, from Abu Dhabi Indian School Muroor, is passionate about Computer Science & software development. He also has keen interest in Robotics and loves reading fiction. He is amused by the galaxies and the universe.