in Genre - Hope Genre - Humanity Genre - Reflection PH 2020 (Poems) Poems - Arabic Poems by Wael Al-Jishi

A Timeless and Immortal Mystery

By Wael Al-Jishi

 Is a scream  from one spot  signifying birth

Ululates  echoing  melodies of delight,

A cry from over there,

A scream lamenting  a soul,

That God has made  the soil, its resting place,

A vibrating sensation invades me,

Upon  yearly rounds that  trigger war and fight,

 O life , thou art an endless ,immortal mystery,

Since the day that a crow taught Gabriel,

A lesson that has layout,

A conduct and a habit,

 Lest man  never  have second thoughts about,

That one day he will fulfill his shot ,

Though one day he has to wear out ,

And back to soil , his resting place , one day no doubt.